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This Glowing Place, New and Selected Poems by Padraig J Daly

This collection of new poems by one of Ireland’s foremost poets is also a retrospective, with a sampling of his work from each of his earlier 13 volumes. Thus, it is a perfect introduction for new readers and a reminder to his many admirers of what an amazing body of work this poet has produced since his first collection in 1978. The richness of Daly’s poetry is well summed up by Roz Cowman in the Poetry Ireland Review: "The vision is loving, tender, but there is no sentimentality, rather an acute, appalled awareness of cruelty and suffering".

Some reactions to Daly’s poetry from reviewers over the years:

    "There are no easy, comfortable emotions on show here. Faith is hard; and so, very often, is life".
      – Hugh Mc Fadden, "Books Ireland"
    "His words may seem tentatively offered, but they are as likely to skin your shins as a Mount Sion hurley stick".
      – Thomas McCarthy, "The Irish Times"
    "The language of Daly’s poetry is pared down, stripped bare, distilled to its essence, and there is not one unnecessary word, not one single distraction from either the ideas themselves or their poetic expression".
      – Madeleine Lombard, "The Furrow"
    "Poems of depth and harmony, a voice that resounds".
      – Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, "The Irish Times"
    "A poetry whose complex simplicity we would do well to read with attention".
      – Fiona Sampson, "Poetry Wales"
    "In a limpid, luminous style couched in simple accessible language and presenting as little more than fragments, Daly penetrates to the core of reality".
      – Brendan Hoban
    "I myself have been exposed to Daly’s poetry for the past forty years, and it has not at all affected my absolute disenchantment with the Roman Catholic Church. So, it is perfectly safe to read this book. I recommend it to anyone who simply loves good poetry."
      – Jack Harte, "Amazon"
    "An interior journey marked out in exceptionally honest and moving terms …… a quiet music, distinctly hard to emulate".
      – John F. Deane, "In Dogged Loyalty"
    "Daly comments on life as if he was a mystic, just come through the gates of the city".
      – Thomas McCarthy, "The Irish Times"
    "These poems aim to state the nuances of feeling as humbly and clearly as possible … This is the best kind of religious poetry: the presence of God is felt in the confession of humanity".
      - Herbert Lomas, Ambit
    "The vision is loving, tender, but there is no sentimentality, rather an acute, appalled awareness of cruelty and suffering".
      – Roz Cowman, Poetry Ireland Review
    "His verse may be read with delight by all. He excels in quiet audacity".
      – John Jordan, Irish Independent
    "His style is easy and concise. The power of his imagery is unusual and combines naturally with an instinctive rhythm that is compelling and memorable".
      – Profiles 2
    "Most of the poems have a fluent and penetrating sympathy with their subjects and their themes. This sympathy not only holds the individual poems together, but gives the entire book an intelligent and warm-hearted unity".
      – Brendan Kennelly, Sunday Independent
    "The different sounds and meanings that go to make up poet and his poem are seldom so much in harmony as here. The strength, kindness and bleakness in these poems are all unusual. Nearly every poem is good or more than good."
      – Pearse Hutchinson, Óró Domhnaigh
    "Glimpsing More" displays Daly’s deep humanity towards everyone and everything before him. He has a gift for seeing beyond the ordinary".
      – Danny Sullivan, The Tablet.
    "His poetry comes from being permeable to the world around us, by remaining open to the possibility of the transcendent, like catching a rare butterfly in a net".
      – John F. Deane, The Irish Catholic
    "A spare, minimalist style that communicates with utter clarity, a processing through the heart as well as with the head".
      – Brendan Hoban, The Western People
    "Carefully crafted lines…..fine fragments of care and affection".
      – Chris McDonnell, Universe on Line

This Glowing Place, New and Selected Poems

ISBN 9781-739173760, price €15.00

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